

East Garo Hills covers an area of 2603 Sq.km .and lies from 25° to 26° North latitudes and 89° to 91° East longitudes. As per 2001 census, the district is home to 2,50,582 people.

Agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, textile, pottery, handicrafts, sericulture, cottage industries mould the economic scenario of East Garo Hills.

# Places of tourist interest are: Dainadubi
# Mendipathar
# Nongalbibra
# Naphak or Napak
# Nongchram
# Rajasimla
# Resubelpara
# Rong'bang Falls
# Williamnagar
# Rongrengiri
# Darugiri Reserve Forest



east-garo-hills           east-khasi-hills           jaintia

ri-bhoi          south-garo-hills           west-garo-hills


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